Marvel's Spider-Man Animated Series Wiki

Miguel O' Hara is the Spider-Man of the year 2099. While he hasn't made an appearance in Marvel's Spider-Man, he does appear on merchandise and in the comic strip Future Shock.


Miguel is just as friendly and devoted to crime-fighting as his predecessor, who he happens to be a fan of to the point of asking him for an autograph before departing back to his future timeline.



  • Unlike other versions of Spider-Man 2099, the one in Future Shock appears to be a teenager.
  • Many fans were expecting Miguel to appear in the series because of him being heavily featured on merchandise alongside Peter and Miles.
    • The appearance of Tiberius Stone (Miguel's grandfather in the mainstream Marvel Comics) and mention of Alchemax during the Superior Spider-Man saga added to the expectations due to him playing a big role in the comic book version of the saga.