Marvel's Spider-Man Animated Series Wiki

Liz Allan is a recurring character in Season 1 of Marvel's Spider-Man. In the episode "Screwball Live" she is revealed to be the former internet sensation Screwball.


Liz is a caucasian teenage girl with brunette hair and teal eyes. Throughout season one she was seen wearing a yellow polo shirt with a red tie and pink skirt with an over-the-shoulder handbag. In season two she is seen wearing a blue long-sleeved polo shirt with a light-blue dress.

As Screwball, Liz wore a white jumpsuit and helmet with lavender stripes seen on parts of the costume. She also carried a lavender handbag with her and used a skateboard decorated with a Midtown High tiger sticker on the bottom of it.


Liz is a generally nice person unless you make a promise to her and don't live up to it. She takes being the student body president seriously, for it is her job to make sure all of the events in the school run as planned.

Despite being student body president and being one of Midtown High's students with the highest grades, Liz was jealous of all the attention Horizon High and Osborn Academy was receiving during season one.

Wanting attention, Liz created the Screwball identity to pull pranks around Manhattan, gaining a large following on social media and feeling satisfied with herself until she put a friend in danger.



Horizon High Part One[]

Screwball Live[]



Peter Parker/Spider-Man[]

Liz was a classmate of Peter's when attended Midtown High School. While she and Peter are friends, she would often get annoyed when he never came through on his promises, such as helping her set up the auditorium for Max Modell's speech in Horizon High Part One.

Randy Robertson[]

Randy is a close friend of Liz and the two are often seen together at Midtown High. During the events of Screwball Live Liz, as Screwball, attempted to save Randy from Absorbing Man when the latter came to Midtown High looking for her (Screwball). Randy is also the only person, besides Spider-Man and Hammerhead, to know that Liz was Screwball before taking a break from her website.

Harry Osborn[]

Harry was a former classmate of Liz when he attended Midtown High. Harry was a fan of her Screwball identity until her last stream saw Screwball complimenting Spider-Man and calling her a real hero.








Liz Allan/Gallery


  • In the comics, Liz was, initially, one of the many students who bullied Peter alongside Flash Thompson, but developed a crush on Peter later on. She, along with Betty Brant, was one of Peter's earliest love interest. In the show, she doesn't bully Peter but has been shown to be annoyed by his personality and lack of being able to keep promises.
  • In the comics, Liz later became the girlfriend, and then ex-wife, of Harry Osborn and even had his child. In the show, the two appear to just be friends.
  • Liz and Randy's friendship originated from this series. In the comics, the two have never been seen interacting and have a slight gap between their ages.
  • This is the first time the character Screwball has been given an identity, for she and Liz Allan are separate characters in the comics.
    • This is also the first time Screwball is portrayed as a hero instead of a villain.
  • Her name is commonly misspelled as Liz Allen.
  • The graphics displayed on Screwball's videos may have inspired the ones used by the Screwball from Isomniac's Spider-Man game for the PlayStation 4.