Marvel's Spider-Man Animated Series Wiki

Future Shock is the fifth story featured in the graphic novel Spider-Man: Demolition Days, a collection of a few stories from the Spider-Man Magazine by Panini Comics.


Spider-Man meets Spider-Man 2099 and helps him defeat time-traveling thieves from the future.


  • Peter Parker/Spider-Man
  • Miguel O' Hara/Spider-Man 2099
  • Flash Thompson
  • Thieves from 2099


  • Spider-Man 2099's design is based on his mainstream counterparts All-New, All-Different Marvel Costume that was used before being replaced with the classic design in 2019.
  • Unlike in the show, Flash Thompson is still bullying Peter.
  • Miguel telling Peter that he, as Spider-Man, will become a legend among heroes in the future could be a reference to the many alternate futures in Marvel Comics where Spider-Man is regarded as one of, if not the greatest, heroes in history.